September 12, 2017

Personal | Fiesta Baby Shower

A few weeks ago we had an enormous baby shower surrounded by all our friends and family in Connecticut. Guys, if you told me this a short six months ago I probably would have called you a big, fat liar and proceed to break down in tears. It is still so surreal to me (even as he is kicking me while I write this). WE ARE HAVING A BABY!

When my mom asked me what I wanted for the shower, I was very honest…I wanted a party! We had spent two years trying and SO many people loved us through that season of life. I wanted to give them a day that they would enjoy. I wanted a way to thank them for all their love. We brainstormed ideas for the “typical” baby shower (ladies only, in a small room, with bland chicken breast). Then late one night I found a taco truck and emailed my mom. I am 100% sure she thought I was insane but being the great mama she is, her response: “if that is what you want Sara, let’s do it”! Thus, the fiesta was born! I had WAY too much fun finding adorable details for this (come on, “I’d hit that” cocktail napkins?! Mini pinatas?!) My favorite detail? The koozies. I emailed the vendor literally joking and asked if they had a baby wearing a sombrero. She emailed back “how about a baby wearing a sombrero shaking maracas?” HOW do you say no to that?! (Photographers-divert your eyes, these are all iPhone pictures)

Taco Truck Catering: Taco Loco 

Invites and Signage: Bloomberry Designs

Fiesta Decor: Amols’ 

Mini Pinatas & Drink Stirrers: LulaFlora 

“Can’t Touch This” & “I’d Hit That” Cocktail Napkins: TulleandTwig

Custom Koozies: SipHipHooray

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