April 5, 2016

Real Couples | Liz and Brian

I am so excited to start a new section to my blog! Over the next few weeks I will be introducing to the wonderful couples I have the honor of serving this year! My couples, their weddings, and their styles are so vastly different this season is shaping up to be amazing. 2016, I love you. First up is Liz and Brian! They are getting married at the lovely Historic Londontown and Gardens in May!
Liz and Brian3
1) How did you two meet? 
Brian and I met online; on OKCupid.com. He emailed me first and we emailed back and for for about 3-4 weeks before meeting. I remember he made reference to ICBMs in his profile. I thought, “hey! that’s cool, he knows what inter-continental ballistic missiles are!” I found out later that it was a movie reference. He watches a ton of movies and I do not. So it is now a bit of a joke between us. Whenever he quotes movies, I ask him why he thinks I would understand the reference. Our first date was May 29, 2011, and lasted six and a half hours. When choosing our wedding date, we tried to get as close to our anniversary date as possible.
2) What do you think will be your favorite part of the wedding day? 
I’m most looking forward to our vows, we’re writing our own. We plan to incorporate movie quotes, song lyrics, and book quotes. I might even Rick-Roll the guests!! (But don’t tell Brian!)
Liz and Brian
3) Can you provide planning advice to brides in the thick of it right now? 
My advice to brides in the middle of planning would be to have a wedding planner and respond to their emails (sorry *:) happy ) ! Also, to not be a worry-wort. Try not to worry about things outside of your control, everything will work out. At the end of the day, you’re marrying the one you love and surrounded by friends and family. They won’t care if the table runners fit the theme or if the cornhole beanbags are made of canvas or cotton.
4) What are you most looking forward to about married life? 
Brian and I both agree on this one. We are looking forward most to being able to call each other husband and wife.
Liz and Brian2

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