June 16, 2016

Real Couples | Katie and Mitch

Friends, I have another couple for you to meet. Did I tell you that I love 2016 already? Well, I do! This good looking couple is getting married on July 5th (yup, it’s a Tuesday) down in St. Mary’s County. If I can share a funny story with y’all real quick: so Katie and I were emailing back and forth about a date and time to meet. We finally decided on one and then she emails me “Does Mitch need to be there?”. Well, here is the thing, she hadn’t told me her fiance’s name yet. I literally stared at that email for like 3 minutes wondering why she wanted my husband to be there. It was late. I might of had some wine. I digress.


Amanda Adams Photography

How did you two meet?

We met on Facebook, in May 2013, through mutual friends. We had went to middle school together but never knew each other. He knew my sister in high school, but I went to a different high school. Then we both moved back to Towson in the fall (how convenient) and we’ve been together just about 24/7 since then.

How did he propose?

To celebrate me finishing my first year of law school in May 2015, Mitch told me we were meeting my dad for dinner on Solomons Island at the restaurant we went to on our second date. On the way to dinner, my dad texted me saying he couldn’t make it because he wasn’t feeling well. I was worried we couldn’t go to dinner anymore because I thought my dad would pay for it and the restaurant was definitely not cheap. But Mitch said it was fine and we could still go, just the two of us. After an AWESOME dinner, we walked along the boardwalk and stopped to sit in the gazebo. He proposed at sunset and it was so perfect.


Amanda Adams Photography

What do you think will be your favorite part of the wedding day?

My favorite part of the wedding day will definitely be the ceremony, and being married by my grandfather. Mitch is looking forward to the speeches by his best friend and older brother and dancing.


Amanda Adams Photography

Can you provide planning advice to brides in the thick of it right now?

Make sure you include your fiance in every decision and let them know when you’re feeling overwhelmed. They will definitely be able to give you a different perspective on anything you’re having trouble with and remind you what’s most important.


Amanda Adams Photography

What are you most looking forward to about married life?

I’m excited to finally be a Seifert! And being able to call each other husband and wife. We are also looking forward to buying a house and starting a family in the next few years.


Amanda Adams Photography


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